51 research outputs found

    Association algorithm to mine the rules that govern enzyme definition and to classify protein sequences

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    BACKGROUND: The number of sequences compiled in many genome projects is growing exponentially, but most of them have not been characterized experimentally. An automatic annotation scheme must be in an urgent need to reduce the gap between the amount of new sequences produced and reliable functional annotation. This work proposes rules for automatically classifying the fungus genes. The approach involves elucidating the enzyme classifying rule that is hidden in UniProt protein knowledgebase and then applying it for classification. The association algorithm, Apriori, is utilized to mine the relationship between the enzyme class and significant InterPro entries. The candidate rules are evaluated for their classificatory capacity. RESULTS: There were five datasets collected from the Swiss-Prot for establishing the annotation rules. These were treated as the training sets. The TrEMBL entries were treated as the testing set. A correct enzyme classification rate of 70% was obtained for the prokaryote datasets and a similar rate of about 80% was obtained for the eukaryote datasets. The fungus training dataset which lacks an enzyme class description was also used to evaluate the fungus candidate rules. A total of 88 out of 5085 test entries were matched with the fungus rule set. These were otherwise poorly annotated using their functional descriptions. CONCLUSION: The feasibility of using the method presented here to classify enzyme classes based on the enzyme domain rules is evident. The rules may be also employed by the protein annotators in manual annotation or implemented in an automatic annotation flowchart

    Advertisement-Click Prediction Based on Mobile Big Data from HyXen AdLocus

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    The popularity of Internet has made advertisement marketing gone virtualized and location-based mobile advertising successful in recent years. Adlocus, an APP developed by HyXen Technology, is one good example to achieve this. This advertising software can tailor to the campaign needs and target users within a diameter of 1 km. However, the question is that is it possible to predict whether the user is willing to click on the advertisement. This paper adopts many ways to analyze how these relations influence in different kinds of mobile advertisement. A comprehensive performance comparison of different models is provided, and the analysis of different factors is also discussed, including click time, advertisement category, language, and mobile phone manufacturers

    Off-line evaluation of mobile-centric indoor positioning systems: the experiences from the 2017 IPIN competition

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    The development of indoor positioning solutions using smartphones is a growing activity with an enormous potential for everyday life and professional applications. The research activities on this topic concentrate on the development of new positioning solutions that are tested in specific environments under their own evaluation metrics. To explore the real positioning quality of smartphone-based solutions and their capabilities for seamlessly adapting to different scenarios, it is needed to find fair evaluation frameworks. The design of competitions using extensive pre-recorded datasets is a valid way to generate open data for comparing the different solutions created by research teams. In this paper, we discuss the details of the 2017 IPIN indoor localization competition, the different datasets created, the teams participating in the event, and the results they obtained. We compare these results with other competition-based approaches (Microsoft and Perf-loc) and on-line evaluation web sites. The lessons learned by organising these competitions and the benefits for the community are addressed along the paper. Our analysis paves the way for future developments on the standardization of evaluations and for creating a widely-adopted benchmark strategy for researchers and companies in the field.We would like to thank Topcon Corporation for sponsoring the competition track with an award for the winning team. We are also grateful to Francesco Potorti, Sangjoon Park, Hideo Makino, Nobuo Kawaguchi, Takeshi Kurata and Jesus Urena for their invaluable help in organizing and promoting the IPIN competition and conference. Many thanks to Raul Montoliu, Emilio Sansano, Marina Granel and Luis Alisandra for collecting the databases in the UJITI building. Parts of this work were carried out with the financial support received from projects and grants: REPNIN network (TEC2015-71426-REDT), LORIS (TIN2012-38080-C04-04), TARSIUS (TIN2015-71564-C4-2-R (MINECO/FEDER)), SmartLoc (CSIC-PIE Ref. 201450E011), "Metodologias avanzadas para el diseno, desarrollo, evaluacion e integracion de algoritmos de localizacion en interiores" (TIN2015-70202-P), GEO-C (Project ID: 642332, H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action: Innovative Training Networks), and financial support from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (106-3114-E-007-005 and 105-2221-E-155-013-MY3). The HFTS team has been supported in the frame of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research programme "FHprofUnt2013" under contract 03FH035PB3 (Project SPIRIT). The UMinho team has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013. G.M. Mendoza-Silva gratefully acknowledges funding from grant PREDOC/2016/55 by Universitat Jaume I.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Electromagnetic Wave Theory and Applications

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    Contains table of contents for Section 3, reports on nine research projects and a list of publications.National Aeronautics and Space Administration Contract 958461U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-92-J-1616University of California/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Contract 960408U.S. Army - Corps of Engineers/Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Contract DACA89-95-K-0014Mitsubishi CorporationU.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Agreement N00014-92-J-4098Federal Aviation AdministrationDEMACOJoint Services Electronics Program Grant DAAHO4-95-1-003

    Electromagnetic Wave Theory and Applications

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    Contains table of content for Section 3, reports on ten research projects and a list of publications.U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-92-J-4098U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Contract 94-G-007U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Contract 97-G-031California Institute of Technology Contract JPL 960408National Aeronautics and Space Administration Contract JPL 958461U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-92-J-1616National Science Foundation Grant ECS 96-15799U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-97-1-0172Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAH04-95-1-0038Mitsubishi Corporatio